Aminet 4
Aminet 4 - November 1994.iso
IRC Server List
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Internet Message Format
From nic.csu.net!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!news.cso.uiuc.edu!ckane Sun Dec 6 19:11:04 PST 1992
Article: 6916 of alt.irc
Relay-Version: VMS News - V6.1B5 17/9/92 VAX/VMS V5.5-2; site nic.csu.net
Path: nic.csu.net!usc!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!uwm.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!news.cso.uiuc.edu!ckane
Newsgroups: alt.irc
Subject: IRC Server List
Message-ID: <ByM1ox.JJ5@news.cso.uiuc.edu>
From: ckane@ece.uiuc.edu (Chuck Kane)
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 1992 02:31:44 GMT
Sender: usenet@news.cso.uiuc.edu (Net Noise owner)
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana
Lines: 489
This is a list of IRC servers, generally ordered by continent and country.
A count of servers (by version) is at the end.
Just because a server is listed here does not mean you can connect to it:
many servers restrict which sites are allowed to connect.
All servers with 'test' or 'experimental' in the name, or which do not seem
to be general-use servers, are listed separately. Servers which are not
regularly on the IRCnet when I run the update routine may be missing from
this list. The "name" field is taken from what is visible from a /LINKS
on my server.
[ Note: many servers have the version in the M: line, so the version will
show up on /links, I suppose. It would be convenient for creating
this list if those servers did not do that. Some servers have the
wrong version in the M: line. ]
If you think the formatting is suboptimal, e-mail me with your solution.
Africa: South_Africa
Asia: Israel Japan Korea Singapore Taiwan
Europe: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Iceland
Italy Luxembourg The_Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland
United Kingdom
North America (except US): Canada Mexico
South America
North America (United States)
Version List
Delete List
Other Servers List
-----< Africa >-------------------------------------------------------------
South Africa
irc.up.ac.za 2.7.2g University of Pretoria, South Af
-----< Asia >---------------------------------------------------------------
bigvax.cs.biu.ac.il 2.7.2g Bar-Ilan University
decscc.tau.ac.il 2.7.2g Tel-Aviv University
discus.technion.ac.il 2.7.2g.ID Technion
scnews1.sfc.keio.ac.jp 2.7.2g SFC TiME IRC SERVER
scpower2.sfc.keio.ac.jp 2.7.2g KEIO SFC IRC SERVER
hemp.imel.kyoto-u.ac.jp 2.7.2g Kyoto University
mitsuze.csce.kyushu-u.ac.jp 2.7.2g Kyushu University
scorpio.cse.kyutech.ac.jp 2.7.2g Kyushu Inst. of Tech.
siratuyu.ics.osaka-u.ac.jp 2.7.2f Osaka
me-shiba.me.titech.ac.jp 2.7.2g Tokyo Institute of Technorogy
akiu.gw.tohoku.ac.jp 2.7.2c Tohoku Univ.
sake.rcais.tohoku.ac.jp 2.7.2c RCAIS Tohoku Univ.
utsun.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp 2.7.2g University of Tokyo
toumon.waseda.ac.jp 2.7.2g Waseda University, Tokyo
endo.wide.ad.jp 2.7.2g WIDE-NOC of Fujisawa
hamlet.nff.ncl.omron.co.jp 2.7.2g OMRON Corporation
omrongw.wg.omron.co.jp 2.7.2g OMRON Corporation, Kyoto
socslgw.csl.sony.co.jp 2.7.2c Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Inc.
scslwide.sony.co.jp 2.7.2c Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Inc.
biscuit.mmws.astem.or.jp 2.7.2g ASTEM RI, Kyoto
kum.kaist.ac.kr 2.7.1e+4 - KAIST Seoul
ns.kaist.ac.kr 2.7.2f - KAIST
elc08.iscs.nus.sg 2.7.2f Singapore - sunny island...set in the sea..
sun.iscs.nus.sg 2.7.2g The Lion "gum-free" City Server
nuscc.nus.sg 2.7.2g SINGAPORE, The Lion "gum-free" City
snake.nchu.edu.tw 2.7.2g+ SNAKE at NCHU
csie.nctu.edu.tw 2.7.2g CSIE, NCTU
im.mgt.ncu.edu.tw 2.7.2g IM/MGT at NCU
sparc14.ncu.edu.tw 2.7.2c IM/MGT at NCU
MIS.NSYSU.edu.tw 2.7.2c MIS of National Sun Yat-sen University
-----< Australia >----------------------------------------------------------
gaunix.cc.monash.edu.au 2.7.2g Monash University [Aussie Made & Owned]
frey.newcastle.edu.au 2.7.2g University of Newcastle Ircd
gorgon.cs.uow.edu.au 2.7.2g University of Wollongong
franklin.cc.utas.edu.au 2.7.2e University of Tasmania
tartarus.ccsd.uts.EDU.AU 2.7.2g.troy6+wallops UTS (Sydney Aust) [Undecided]
crunch.socs.uts.edu.au 2.7.2g.troy6+wallops UTS (Sydney, Aust) [Broadway Mausoleum]
ultima.socs.uts.edu.au 2.7.2g.troy6+wallops UTS (Sydney, Aust) [Broadway Mausoleum]
ultimo.socs.uts.edu.au 2.7.2g.troy6+wallops UTS (Sydney, Aust) [Brick Dunnie]
guinevere.st.nepean.uws.edu.au 2.7.2g.ID.WE.HATE.BOTS UWS
lancelot.st.nepean.uws.edu.au 2.7.2g.ID.Wallops+Max'd UWS
win4.vut.edu.au 2.7.2f.POSIX+g Victoria University OF Technology
mullian.ee.mu.OZ.AU 2.7.2g University of Melbourne, Australian Hub
munagin.ee.mu.OZ.AU 2.7.2g University of Melbourne, Australian Hub
minnie.cs.su.oz.au 2.7.2g.su.10 University of Sydney
ircserver.cltr.uq.oz.au 2.7.2e A Server with Wallops, Queensland
violet.cs.uq.oz.au 2.7.2g BananaLand IRC (On'ya Ozzie!) UQ, QLD
ircserver.ctpm.uq.oz.au 2.7.2g Center for Tropical Pest Management, Brisbane
-----< Europe >-------------------------------------------------------------
uni-linz.ac.at 2.7.2g Johannes Kepler University Linz
itc.univie.ac.at 2.7.2g.AIX(tk)DNSlookup.plC2 University of Vienna
is2.vub.ac.be 2.7.2g Brussels Free University
alk.iesd.auc.dk 2.7.2g Aalborg university, IESD
nic.funet.fi 2.7.2g+ban2 Finnish University and Research Network (FUNET)
irc.fuug.fi 2.7.2g+ban2 FUUG - EUnet
serifos.Helsinki.FI 2.7.2g University of Helsinki
hkkk.fi 2.7.2g Helsinki School of Economics
sauna.cs.hut.fi 2.7.2g+ban Helsinki University of Technolog
cs.joensuu.fi 2.7.2g+1 University of Joensuu
tukki.jyu.fi 2.7.1e University of Jyvaskyla
aapo.it.lut.fi 2.7.2g+ban2 Lappeenranta University of Technology
kannel.lut.fi 2.7.2g Lappeenranta University of Technology
rieska.oulu.fi 2.7.2g Unixverstas Olutensin, Finlandia Vodka
stekt1.oulu.fi 2.7.2g+ban2 EE Dept., Univ. of Oulu
tolsun.oulu.fi 2.7.2g Unixverstas Olutensin, Finlandia Vodka
ds1.tekla.fi 2.7.2g+ban Tekla Oy, Espoo
lehtori.cc.tut.fi 2.7.2g Tampere University of Technology
coke.modeemi.cs.tut.fi 2.7.2g Tampere University of Technology, Modeemi Ry
vehka.cs.uta.fi 2.7.2g University of Tampere
polaris.utu.fi 2.7.2g University of Turku
brando.uwasa.fi 2.7.1e+10 University of Vaasa, VAASA
Eurecom8.Cica.FR 2.7.2g.ID Eurecom Institute
cnam.cnam.fr 2.7.2f Conservatoire National des Arts et
CISMhp.Univ-Lyon1.FR 2.7.2g CISM-INSA de Lyon
noc.belwue.de 2.7.2g-argv1 BELWUE
rwth-aachen.de 2.7.2g+ Aachen
tu-berlin.de 2.7.2g Technical University of Berlin
TU-Muenchen.DE 2.7.2g-argv1 TU Muenchen
uni-erlangen.de 2.7.2g University of Erlangen
uni-karlsruhe.de 2.7.2g University of Karlsruhe
Uni-KL.DE 2.7.2g.ID.3 Kaiserslautern
informatik.uni-oldenburg.de 2.7.2g+ Oldenburg
Uni-Paderborn.DE 2.7.2g University of Paderb
uni-passau.de 2.7.2e University of Passau
uni-stuttgart.de 2.7.2f Stuttgart University
athina.cc.uch.gr 2.7.2g Computer Center Crete
rithymna.csd.uch.gr 2.7.1f+1 Computer Science Department University of Crete
isgate.is 2.7.2f ISnet
cdc835.cdc.polimi.it 2.7.2g.ID Polytechnic of Milan
sapienza.roma.it 2.7.2g-banfix Universita' di Roma
istsun.ist.lu 2.7.2g IRC server for Luxembourg
The Netherlands
kubix.kub.nl 2.7.2g University of Tilburg
ircserver.et.tudelft.nl 2.7.2g+1 Delft University of Technology
svbs01.bs.win.tue.nl 2.7.2g Eindhoven University of Technology Server
venus.let.uva.nl 2.7.2g University of Amsterdam
unix03.dhmolde.no 2.7.2g Dh-Molde
alf.uib.no 2.7.2g Universitas Bergensis, Ordinateurus Centre
kvart.ifi.uio.no 2.7.2g+ban2.1 The University of Oslo Server
irc.cs.uit.no 2.7.2g University of Tromsoe
flipper.pvv.unit.no 2.7.2g University of Trondheim
adagio.fy.chalmers.se 2.7.2g+ban2 Chalmers Tekniska Lekskola, G|teborg
need.hgs.se 2.7.2g.ID Gavle/Sandviken University
krynn.solace.hsh.se 2.7.2g.ID+ban2 Datorföreningen Solace, Sundsvall
dront.nada.kth.se 2.7.2g.ID Royal Institute of Technology
irc.lysator.liu.se 2.7.2g.ID Lysator ACS at Link|ping University
krynn.efd.lth.se 2.7.2g Lund Institute of Technology
Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE 2.7.2g.ID DoCS, Uppsala University
suntrax1.cern.ch 2.7.2g European Laboratory for Particle
disuns2.epfl.ch 2.7.2g Ecole Polytechnique Federale de La
ircserv.imp.ch 2.7.2g Improware AG
vesuv.unisg.ch 2.7.2g University of St.Gallen
United Kingdom
shrug.dur.ac.uk 2.7.2g University of Durham
watt-alter.cstr.ed.ac.uk 2.7.2g CSTR, Edinburgh Uni
stork.doc.ic.ac.uk 2.7.2g Department of Computing, Imperial Co
cent1.lancs.ac.uk 2.7.2g University of Lancaster
sage.compnews.co.uk 2.7.2g PressNet Hub
irc.ibmpcug.co.uk 2.7.2g The IBM PC User Group, England
-----< North America (except US) >-----------------------------------------
ug.cs.dal.ca 2.7.2g Eastern Canada's Main IRC router
karnaugh.info.polymtl.ca 2.7.2f Montreal Polyserver
asimov.cc.umanitoba.ca 2.7.2g University of Manitoba
jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca 2.7.2g Eastern Canada's Backup IRC Router
mars.info.uqam.ca 2.7.2g.ID The Montreal' JAZZ Server
axiomset.cdf.utoronto.ca 2.7.2g University of Toronto's IRC server
bode.uwaterloo.ca 2.7.2g University of Waterloo
Iris.Ariel.YorkU.Ca 2.7.2g York University's IRC Server
hp9k.lag.itesm.mx 2.7.2g ITESM Campus Laguna, Torreon
mtecv2.mty.itesm.mx 2.7.2g ITESM Campus Monterrey
-----< South America >-----------------------------------------------------
tolten.puc.cl 2.7.2g El PRIMER Servidor de IRC en SUDAMERICA!!!!
-----< United States >-----------------------------------------------------
kaja.gi.alaska.edu 2.7.2g Caffeine Free Alaskan Server
Engr.uark.edu 2.7.2g University of Arkansas Server
nova.unix.portal.com 2.7.2f Cupertino
tama.crc.ricoh.com 2.7.2f RICOH C.R.C. Server
wiretap.spies.com 2.7.2b.eff.01 <-- looking for a fight
punisher.caltech.edu 2.7.2g.ID California Institute of Technology CCO Server
sccm.Stanford.EDU 2.7.2g Stanford University IRC Server
w6yx.stanford.edu 2.7.2g.ID From DC to Daylight
Manet.UCDavis.edu 2.7.2g UCD Dcomm Grunt IRC Server
oak.math.ucla.edu 2.7.2g UCLA IRC Main Server
ucscb.ucsc.EDU 2.7.2g University of California, Santa Cruz
UCSD.EDU 2.7.2g Univ of Calif San Diego
marsupial.jpl.nasa.gov 2.7.2g Caltech/JPL HUB Server
hotsun.nersc.gov 2.7.2g National Education BBS
ucsu.colorado.EDU 2.7.2g.dae.ID University of Colorado Server
longs.LANCE.ColoState.Edu 2.7.2f Colorado State U., Engineering
hermes.tcad.ee.ufl.edu 2.7.2g Gaussian Server, University of Flor
yikes.math.ufl.edu 2.7.2g The Happiest Server on IRC
laredo.eas.gatech.edu 2.7.2g.ID.9 World's Most Paranoid Server
st6000.sct.edu 2.7.2g Southern Tech Server Marietta
irc.acns.nwu.edu 2.7.2g.ID Something new and radioactively purple
uxa.cso.uiuc.edu 2.7.2f UofIllinois - Serving those without a life
penfold.ece.uiuc.edu 2.7.2g UofIllinois Hub Server
silver.ucs.indiana.edu 2.7.2g Indiana University Server
ircserver.iastate.edu 2.7.1e+10.mlv.zephyr Iowa State Alternate Reality Server
irc-host.ms.uky.edu 2.7.2g The Hole in the Rock Server at t
world.std.com 2.7.2g The World @ Software Tool & Die
chaos.cs.brandeis.edu 2.7.2g Brandeis University Computer Science
csd.bu.edu 2.7.2g.ID Boston University, Boston
husc10.harvard.edu 2.7.2g Harvard University, Cambridge
irc.mit.edu 2.7.2g.pl1 MIT Project Athena
Patriot.mit.edu 2.7.2g.1 Fastest draw in the East
wpi.wpi.edu 2.7.2g Welcome to unemployment-ville!
eff.org 2.7.2g.ID Electronic Frontier Foundation, Cam
hobbes.kzoo.edu 2.7.2g Kalmazoo College
racine.ccs.itd.umich.edu 2.7.2g YerBoy NeXT Server - U. of Michigan
wiley.cs.wmich.edu 2.7.2b.eff.01.no931 WMU, Kalamazoo
umcc.ais.org 2.7.2g Sweet Addiction Server - UMCC
sniper.msc.edu 2.7.2g.ID The Body Shop Server
nic.stolaf.edu 2.7.2f St. Olaf College, Northfield
epx.cis.umn.edu 2.7.2g University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
pa.itd.com 2.7.2g ITD/SRSC
New Jersey
hertz.njit.edu 2.7.2g New Jersey Institute of Technology Server
New Mexico
freedom.nmsu.edu 2.7.2g.ID New Mexico State U. NMSU SCF
SANTAFE.SantaFe.EDU 2.7.2g Santa Fe Institute
dreamtime.unm.edu 2.7.2g The Dream Server
New York
azure.acsu.buffalo.edu 2.7.2g.ID.0 University at Buffalo, Buffalo
close.cs.columbia.edu 2.7.2g Columbia University - The Harlem Connection
polaris.ctr.columbia.edu 2.7.2g Columbia University CTR
red-dwarf.cit.cornell.edu 2.7.2g.ID The CIT IRC
alchemy.tn.cornell.edu 2.7.2g Alchemist Lair
netserv2.its.rpi.edu 2.7.2g Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute IRC Server
North Carolina
lester.appstate.edu 2.7.2g Appalachian State University
autobahn.ac.duke.edu 2.7.2f IRC with no speed limit
slc9.ins.cwru.edu 2.7.2f.1 CWRU IRC Server
midway.ecn.uoknor.edu 2.7.2g SOONER LEAF SERVER, SERVING SOONERS
percy.rain.com 2.7.2g RAINet IRC server
rigel.cs.pdx.edu 2.7.2g Portland State University Server
fairhope.andrew.cmu.edu 2.7.2g.1 Carnegie Mellon Server Generic
dood.cheme.cmu.edu 2.7.2g.1 Carnegie Mellon Server of Strife
chartreuse.cis.pitt.edu 2.7.2g University of Pgh
cronkite.ocis.temple.edu 2.7.2f Temple University - Philadelphia
chestnut.chem.upenn.edu 2.7.2g University of Pennsylvania TITO Server
wilkes1.wilkes.edu 2.7.2g Wilkes University
telerama.pgh.pa.us 2.7.2g Telerama IRC Server
ra.oc.com 2.7.2g OpenConnect Systems Server, Dallas
acme.etsu.edu 2.7.2g.ID.herm The Magical Realms Server
ANDROMEDA.TAMU.EDU 2.7.2g The Aggie Server, College Station
sol.acs.unt.edu 2.7.2g The U Of North Texas Most Boring Se
tramp.cc.utexas.edu 2.7.2g The University of Texas at Austin Hub Server
CSULX.Weber.EDU 2.7.2b.eff.01.Chucki+.ID Weber State College, Odgen
earthgate.com 2.7.2f Netland
hub.cs.jmu.edu 2.7.2g James Madison University CS Hub
muselab.ac.runet.edu 2.7.2g Radford University
poe.acc.Virginia.EDU 2.7.2g.pl1 University of Virginia
tjeeves.acc.Virginia.EDU 2.7.2g Jefferson Server, UVa
Turing.ORG 2.7.2g The Turing Project, Charlottesville
halcyon.halcyon.com 2.7.2g.sn-1 Halcyon, The 2300 News and Mail Service, Seattle
byron.u.washington.edu 2.7.2g University of Washington IRC Server
henson.cc.wwu.edu 2.7.2g.Spiff The Muppet Server of the Pacific Northwest
cerebus.cc.edu 2.7.2g.ID Carroll College IRCserver
----< Version Information >-------------------------------------------------
Total By Version Count Version
1 2.7.1e
1 2.7.1e+10
1 2.7.1e+10.mlv.zephyr
1 2.7.1e+4
5 1 2.7.1f+1
1 2.7.2b.eff.01
1 2.7.2b.eff.01.Chucki+.ID
1 2.7.2b.eff.01.no931
6 2.7.2c
3 2.7.2e
15 2.7.2f
1 2.7.2f.1
1 2.7.2f.POSIX+g
120 2.7.2g
3 2.7.2g+
2 2.7.2g+1
2 2.7.2g+ban
5 2.7.2g+ban2
1 2.7.2g+ban2.1
2 2.7.2g-argv1
1 2.7.2g-banfix
3 2.7.2g.1
1 2.7.2g.AIX(tk)DNSlookup.plC2
17 2.7.2g.ID
1 2.7.2g.ID+ban2
1 2.7.2g.ID.0
1 2.7.2g.ID.3
1 2.7.2g.ID.9
1 2.7.2g.ID.WE.HATE.BOTS
1 2.7.2g.ID.Wallops+Max'd
1 2.7.2g.ID.herm
1 2.7.2g.Spiff
1 2.7.2g.dae.ID
2 2.7.2g.pl1
1 2.7.2g.sn-1
1 2.7.2g.su.10
208 203 4 2.7.2g.troy6+wallops
----< Other Servers List >--------------------------------------------------
These are servers which are not for general client use, or which have
'text' or 'experimental' in their title; these active servers are not
counted in the Version List above.
sifon.cc.mcgill.ca MUCC Experimental IRC Server
socrates.bcomeau.hydro.qc.ca Experimental Server
tdsb-s.mais.hydro.qc.ca Experimental Server, Montreal, Quebec
serveur_bd.rouyn-ogc.hydro.qc.ca Experimental Server, Rouyn, Quebec
nigel.msen.com Msen IRC Test Server
service.de TU Muenchen, Ge
stingray.cc.iastate.edu BSD Test Server
ircserv.isca.uiowa.edu ISCA Test Server
monitor.ece.uiuc.edu UofIllinois Monitor Server
Darkwing.UOregon.Edu U of O Donkey Test Server
violet.sci.kun.nl Nijmegen Reserve server
Uz.nthu.edu.tw Experimental server in NTHU, Taiwan
utilserv ircserver.ctpm.uq.oz.au
----< Delete List >---------------------------------------------------------
These currently inactive servers will be deleted from the next list unless
they appear on the IRCnet again.
watson.info.polymtl.ca Montreal Polyserver
asimov.cc.umanitoba.ca University of Manitoba
prak.cdf.utoronto.ca University of Toronto's IRC server
hamblin.math.byu.edu Brigham Young University Math Dept
badger.ugcs.caltech.edu California Institute of Technolog
mirkwood.mcs.kent.EDU Kent State Univ. Math/CS Dept. Serve
ultrix.ramapo.edu Ramapo College
sugrock.acs.syr.edu Land of Wind and Snow, Syracuse University
Aggie.UCDavis.edu UCD Dcomm Grunt IRC Server
kit.tekla.fi Tekla Oy, Espoo
blue.cc.hokudai.ac.jp Hokkaido University
baal.efd.lth.se Lund Institute of Technology